Dental pain typically shows up as sensitivity to temperature, sweets or chewing. It often involves throbbing, aching or sharp pains and may be associated with swelling. The pain can make it difficult to eat, sleep and concentrate on work, and enjoy life.
Dental pain should not be ignored - it’s a signal that something is wrong! Waiting often leads to more tooth damage, avoidable root canal treatment or extraction and
possibly more serious health risks.
If you have dental pain - don’t wait! Call us and we’ll see you as soon as possible!
Have you noticed an unusual swelling in your mouth or jaw? Don’t panic! There are many causes of swelling in the mouth - some benign and some more serious. Regardless of the cause, swelling should not be ignored - it may be a signal that something is wrong! It is important to have it assessed as soon as possible to determine the cause and initiate treatment, if necessary. Swelling that is associated with infection can be life-threatening!
If you have swelling in your mouth - don’t wait! Call us and we’ll see you as soon as possible!
One moment you are eating happily and the next you feel something hard in your mouth. Don’t panic! It may be a piece of tooth, filling, veneer or crown that has fractured off, or perhaps a filling that has fallen out. Often there is no pain but the broken spot may feel very rough to the tongue. Whether there is pain or not, it’s important that your dentist assess it as soon as possible.
If you have broken or chipped a tooth, DON’T PANIC -
call Viva Dental Victoria!
Do you have white fillings that are sensitive to cold, to bite or to floss? Does your bite feel off? We may be able to help! It is common to have some discomfort or sensitivity after a new filling is placed, but normally it shouldn't last more than a few weeks. Ongoing sensitivity is often a signal that something is wrong. If you have long-term tooth sensitivity to cold, flossing or biting after your tooth is filled, please contact us!
If you have mild tooth sensitivity or more than a week or if your bite feels “off” after a filling, please contact us!
Do you have pain when you eat or drink sweet, hot, or cold things? Or brown spots on your teeth? You could have cavities! Cavities are permanently damaged areas on your teeth caused by a combination of oral bacteria, dietary sugar, and poor oral hygiene. If cavities aren't treated, they get larger and can lead to a severe toothache, infection and tooth loss. If you think you have a cavity, call us soon!
It is important to have tooth decay treated early to avoid pain and more expensive dental procedures!
Do your gums bleed when you floss? Are your gums red or swollen? These are warning signs of gum disease! Gum or periodontal disease is usually painless, but if it is left untreated it can lead to tooth loss and significantly affect your oral health, your general health, and your overall wellbeing! Please call us if you are having symptoms of gum disease.
Gum disease is often painless and without noticeable symptoms making it hard to know if you have it.
Have you noticed an unusual sore or coloured area in your mouth? Don’t panic! There are many causes of sores or “lesions” in the mouth. They can occur as red, white or dark areas and may or may not be swollen or painful. Mouth lesions range from cankers to enlarged blood vessels to oral cancer. Regardless of the cause, if you have an unusual lesion in your mouth that has been there for more than a few weeks, it is important to have it assessed!
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It is important to have mouth sores assessed to rule out potentially serious conditions!
Do you have a loose tooth? If you are an adult, this is not normal and indicates a problem! There are several causes of loose teeth, the most common being accidental trauma, gum disease, and heavy bite forces. If you have a loose tooth, please call us and have it assessed.
A loose tooth in an adult is not normal and indicates a problem...please call us!
Are you concerned about a discoloured tooth or teeth? Don’t panic! We know that teeth naturally darken with age but there are a multitude of other reasons why all or part of a tooth may darken. It is very important to have your dentist to assess the tooth and determine the cause to avoid further complications. Please give us a call at Viva Dental Victoria.
It is important to have tooth discolouration assessed to avoid more serious problems.
Are you unhappy with your smile? Do you have crooked teeth? Fixing crooked teeth usually involves either tooth straightening with orthodontic treatment (braces or clear aligners) or with cosmetic bonding or porcelain veneers. At Viva Dental Victoria we will assess your teeth and work with you to provide a solution that will have you smiling with confidence!
It is very important to monitor your children’s development and sleep habits to identify problems and prevent orthodontic issues.
Tooth wear is the loss of healthy tooth structure for reasons other than decay. It is a very common condition that occurs to some degree in approximately 97% of the population. In spite of this, tooth wear is not considered normal and can be avoided! Tooth wear causes teeth to become shorter and often thinner over time. This may decrease your chewing ability and may also noticeably change the appearance of your smile.
There are three main causes of tooth wear: erosion due to acid; bite wear due to abrasive forces when chewing or grinding; and abrasion due to tooth brushing. Diagnosis of tooth wear is complex because the wear often results from a combination of the above processes. It is important to determine which processes are involved to properly manage your wear.
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If you think your teeth are getting shorter or worn - call Viva Dental Victoria!
If you are between between the ages of 17 and 25 and have pain or swelling at the back of your mouth or in your jaw, it could be from your wisdom teeth. There is often some pain when wisdom teeth erupt normally but when wisdom teeth are impacted or become infected, they can cause significant pain and swelling. It is important to have wisdom tooth pain assessed by your dentist to prevent further complications.
If you are experiencing pain or swelling in your jaw or behind your last molar - Please call us!
Bad breath or halitosis is a potentially embarrassing condition that affects at least 50 percent of adults in their lifetime. Most breath odour problems originate in the oral cavity but they can arise from health problems or other sources. Generally speaking, bad breath can be cured or at least controlled, however, the first step is to visit your dentist to diagnose the problem.
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Gingivitis, periodontitis, and tongue coating are the most common causes of bad breath.
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