At Viva Dental Victoria, we believe that a great dental practice isn’t just about treating patients — we are community-minded and plan to be involved in supporting our local neighbourhoods. That’s why Viva Dental Victoria gives where we live! We are invested in the lives of our patients, neighbours, and staff.
The ability to smile freely and without pain or shame contributes to our overall quality of life. It means the ability to eat and chew, to laugh, to sing, and to connect with others. Everyone deserves a healthy and confident smile. 80% of people worldwide lack proper access to dental care, and even in Canada 35% have some form of untreated dental disease.
Many people throughout the world have limited or no access to dental care. Dental clinics may be too far away or care may be too expensive. Patients may not even have a toothbrush or toothpaste. What people generally do have, is an increasingly sugary diet! Lack of access to proper dental care leads to pain and tooth loss as well as negative effects on diet, health, self-confidence, and more.
Even here in Victoria, many people who suffer from dental disease can’t afford dental care. At Viva Dental Victoria, we are trying to help. The high cost of running a modern dental practice makes it difficult for dentists to provide inexpensive dental care directly to patients on a routine basis. Our goal is to help prevent suffering caused by oral disease in the ways that we can.
Locally, our plan is to help support nonprofit organizations working with vulnerable people in our community through:
Follow us on FB and IG to see what we’re doing
If you have other ideas on how we can help....please contact us!
We also plan to raise awareness about important oral health issues in the community through outreach programs such as:
Dr. Siemens strongly believes in the importance of giving back to other communities that lack access to dental care. Over the years, Dr. Siemens has volunteered his services in Baja, Mexico (Panterra Society), La Paz, Mexico (Rotary Club La Paz), with Latin American farmworkers in the Fraser Valley (Umbrella Health Coop) and in Nunavut, Canada. He hopes to return in the near future to Mexico or Guatemala.
Here are some photos from Dr. Siemens’ past volunteer work...
From time to time, Viva Dental Victoria will be promoting special events and offers. These may include events that promote oral health in the community or fundraising events to help those with limited access to dental care locally and abroad, or office promotions and contests to show our appreciation to our patients.
If you are a patient of Viva Dental Victoria, you can expect to see raffles, contests and giveaways with prizes ranging from Starbucks gift cards and Cineplex movie tickets to electric toothbrushes and free tooth whitening!
To see our current offers, follow us on Instagram or Facebook.
Due to the regulations of our dental governing body, the CDSBC, we are not allowed to offer promotions or discounted services to attract new patients. However, all promotions will be available to patients of Viva Dental Victoria.
Over the years, dental practices have been responsible for generating tonnes of mercury waste, millions of litres of toxic X-ray fixer, and countless lead X-ray foils, sterilization pouches, chair barriers, light handle covers and patient bibs.
For this reason, we at Viva Dental Victoria are serious about a greener approach to dentistry. We strive to provide a clean, healthy environment by minimizing the environmental footprint of our office.
At Viva Dental Victoria, we are serious about a greener approach to dentistry. We strive to provide a clean, healthy environment by minimizing the environmental footprint of our office and community. In addition, we provide bamboo toothbrushes with BPA-free bristles and 100% biodegradable, plastic-free floss to our patients.
Now the team at Viva Dental is offering a new initiative — we are giving our community the opportunity to drop off your plastic toothbrushes and some other oral care products for recycling! Because plastic toothbrushes are made of multiple different materials they are not easily recyclable and take hundreds of years to break down in our landfills. In the City of Victoria alone, an estimated 1.2 million toothbrushes go into the landfill every year!
This recycling program is made possible due to a partnership between TerraCycle® and P&G (makers of Crest and Oral B). After drop-off, your oral care products are transported to Terracycle where they are broken down into their component parts, processed and ultimately made into new products such as park benches, picnic tables and flooring. Click here to learn more about the recycling process.
We will accept the following items for recycling:
For safety reasons, we ask that you dip toothbrushes in bleach and rinse them or put them through your dishwasher before bringing them for recycling. The toothpaste tubes don't need to be washed but they should be completely empty. Feel free to come down any time during office hours. Our recycling bin is located in our reception area.
There is no fee for dropping off your old toothbrush.
We are excited about being 'Green'.
Fortunately, many recent innovations in dental technology are not only better for the planet, but also for the health of our patients. Many new technologies and products allow us to eliminate or minimize many of the toxic materials and waste used in the past.
Below is a list of some of the things we are doing at Viva Dental Victoria to provide you with a cleaner, greener, and healthier dental practice.
Better for our patients, better for our world!
Welcome to The Store at Viva Dental Victoria! In our efforts to help those less fortunate than us in our local community, we are offering Viva Dental products for sale. In addition, we have collected some oral health care products that we believe in - we offer these at our cost plus a small handling fee.
All profits from the sale of Viva Dental Victoria products will be donated to support local charities.
Under construction
When you purchase a Viva product you join the Viva Community... and you make someone smile!
Tue - Fri 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Sunday Closed
Monday Closed
Occasional Evenings and Saturdays
Tue - Fri
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Sunday Closed
Monday Closed
Occasional Evenings and Saturdays
Copyright © 2021 Viva Dental Victoria. All rights reserved.